Jobs are a lot like jeans.
Some people are content with any job, as long as it is putting money in their pocket. Some people are content with any jeans, as long as is covering up their legs.
Some people just want to wear name brand jeans. Some people just want to have fancy sounding positions at famous companies.
The most difficult and courageous though, is when someone wants to find those jeans that fit just right(potentially more on that later on), when someone needs to find that job so perfect that it doesn't even feel like a job. It isn't likely that the first pair of jeans will fit perfectly, nor will the first job.
Hell, what is perfect now might not be perfect in the future, people change weight just like people change life situations; an I-Banker might be the perfect fit right out of college, but it would be impossible to raise a family in that position. Sometimes a tailor can make the little adjustments or an internal move within a company might be the perfect fit, but more often not.
I guess you can say the motivation for this stems both from my difficulty with finding jeans, as well as recently turning in my resignation at my first "real" job.
It wasn't easy.
Actually, in retrospect, it went seamlessly; the only not-easy part was the period of time between realizing it wasn't a fit, and letting the appropriate people know. Just like retail employees can tell when jeans don't fit, coworkers, mentors and managers can tell when a position isn't a fit; alerting them of the lack of fit is actually a relief on both ends, because it ends their guessing.
It dawned on me that I was a blueberry trying to make his way on a battleship, and as such wasn't a mutually beneficial situation.
Do I know where I will end up next?
No fucking clue. Just time to try on another.
Don't be afraid to find those perfect jeans... even if it means walking around naked for a bit.
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