Monday, February 24, 2014

Ass-In-Chair Syndrome

I hava a confession... I used to consider myself a workaholic, and wear it around like a badge of honor.

In college, you could frequently find me in the lab or the library on a Friday night.

The weirdest part was that I actually enjoyed being on my high horse of feeling like I was doing things that others weren't.

Slowly though, I started noticing a few people here and there were getting the same output as me, while spending significantly less time doing so.

So, I decided to fire myself.

Now, instead of pulling marathon working sessions. I typically put in a daily 3-5 hour sprint, or however long I feel like I can fully immerse myself in a topic without letting my mind wander off.

And I am getting just as much, if not more, accomplished.

Now that I think about it, I wasn't really a workaholic, I just suffered from a giant case of ass-in-chair-syndrome.

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