The internet is a wonderful thing, particularly in its ability to lower the barrier of entry for many things, particularly retail and education.
Just over a decade ago, if someone wanted to start a retail clothing business, they would need money for the physical space of the store, inventory, and potentially a warehouse. Now, they can get up and running with Shopify in a matter of minutes and start with minimal(if any) inventory.
Higher education is another thing that the internet is beginning to revolutionize(but still has an insane amount of room for growth). While I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the University of Illinois, I felt like most of the truly meaningful learning I did was done outside the classroom. Many online(some are physical as well, but the internet as allowed them to reach their potential students) micro-colleges and trade schools are popping up such as Designation(started by my good friend, Kevin), Bloc and G-school to remove all of the fluff from the university experience, at a greatly reduced cost.
However, now that money is removed as a barrier of entry, the winners in society are no longer going to come from affluent families... your ability to out-hustle is going to be the determining factor in success in life.
While I know it may sound hypocritical posting about ass-in-chair syndrome and then today posting about the hustlers coming out on top in life, what I am trying to point out is that it is not just the quantity of time put into hustling, but the quality; when I said I just put in 3-5 hours, that is just time put into uninterrupted development related tasks, that doesn't include time put into design work, reading(for the sake of intellectual stimulation, not for the facade of doing), writing, cooking and training, all of which are skills I am also working on bettering.
If you don't have the life you want, you can no longer blame it on your upbringing, as anyone has the ability to hustle.
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