Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thank the Batmen

In "The Dark Knight," Batman took the fall for the murder of Harvey Dent, Gotham City's largest symbol of hope. Even though Batman did kill Dent, it was only after Dent had gone insane as the villain Two-Face. That final part was left out in order to preserve Dent's status of hope.

As a result, Batman instantly became viewed as a renegade in the city.

In "The Dark Knight Rises," it was clear to see the mental toll that being viewed as a villain was taking on Batman, despite all the good he was doing. That, combined with the physical toll of crime fighting, caused Batman to become a recluse. This disappearance allowed a new mega-villain to step into Gotham City and almost destroy it, until Batman finally came out of retirement to save the day.

We all know real life Batmen, those who take a bunch of heat for others, yet live a rather thankless life.

At work, our managers absorb a lot of heat for us, yet it is a commonly held notion that manager's jobs are just to make our life a living nightmare. Similarly, the sys-admin and IT folks receive a lot of flack for all the process employees must go through as well as when things go down, yet receive little thanks for the amount of good that results from that process and for the vast majority of the time that things are up-and-running flawlessly.

However, the most important Batmen are clearly our parents. During our teen years, we view them as ruthless dictators who make arbitrary rules for the sole purpose of making our lives's a living hell. Yet we don't see what those rules save us from, and how little we actually miss out on as a result of those rules. They drive us around from practice to practice to social event, yet we always expected more of them.

Fortunately, when we reach the wonderful twenty-somethings stage of our life, we begin viewing our parents as the Batman that saves Gotham City, and not the Batman who killed Harvey Dent.

We all need to stop and take the time to think the Batmen in our lives, because we need them all in our lives(even if we don't know it yet).

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