I am not a professional writer of the English Language(calling out the elephant in the room from the onset), and as such, I have no qualms tipping my cap to Thoreau's "Walden"(still working on getting through that one) and being completely unapologetic to my potentially-frequent use of I.
Well I guess now would be a great time to clarify who I am, as well as clear up the slight white lie above... My name is Brent Hronik(which you would hopefully guess if you have made it here) and I am a Computer Engineer by trade, so I guess you could say that indeed I am a professional writer of the English Language, albeit a rather small subset of it. I graduated from the University of Illinois in December of 2012, where I started the (now zombified) Fitsby, and I now work for the substantially-larger-than-Fitsby company, Qualcomm.
My heart is in building cool shit(if you haven't read Miki Agrawal's "Do Cool Sh*t", stop reading this and go read that now, since it is definitely going to be more beneficial than some random introduction post by a relative nobody), training(powerlifting and bodybuilding are my training mediums), cooking and reading... and I may be going through my beginning stages of my quarter-life crisis with an acute case of wanderlust. Android is my building-cool-shit tool of choice, so I plan on having an occasional tutorial here and there... if that's not your thing, don't read it(I may be getting ahead of myself here with the assumption that I may actually have somebody read this).
So the above sounds like quite the mix-up of traits, and seeing as I don't have any formal English schooling(outside of the 1 writing class I took in college), my writing style will be rather informal. I have been reading a lot of stuff by Tim Ferriss, Miki Agrawal(drawn to them due to the health/fitness aspects they incorporate into their entrepreneurial writing) and Seth Godin(the title is a nod to him), so the writing maybe similar voicing.
Alas, all good things must come to an end... but seeing as this is not yet a good thing I will continue on and list out what the random rants you can expect will consist of:
Alas, all good things must come to an end... but seeing as this is not yet a good thing I will continue on and list out what the random rants you can expect will consist of:
- (Hopefully) inspiring random thoughts from a first time failed entrepreneur
- Reposts or expansions upon snippets from books or other blog posts
- Training, and diet related rants
- Android and other software related rants
Well, I'd like to thank whoever(or is it whomever? always been horrible with that one) made it this far, let me know what you think, and hopefully you will continue along with this unknown journey with me(and laugh at the inevitable fuck-ups).
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