Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Petting the Cat

Every morning, immediately after turning off my alarm, I remain in bed and pet my cat for about 5 minutes or so.

No, that wasn't a euphemism.

Plus, seeing as I am a guy, that doesn't even make sense.

No, I mean my real, live, breathing cat.

His name is Dex(short for Deckers) and he is pretty much the most awesome thing in the world.

That didn't used to be my morning ritual though. It looked much more like: check facebook, reply to all posts on facebook, check instagram, like all first 50 photos on instagram, read all 4 email accounts, reply to all emails on all 4 email accounts... and that was before I even left my bed.

Maybe living in Boulder or reading "Walden", has made me review how much clutter I actually have in my life.

Maybe it just instilled in me the virtue of quality over quantity.

I do know one thing though, that spending 5 minutes of quality time laying in bed, petting my cat(well maybe he's still a kitten), brings infinitely times more joy to him than any number of likes or email responses bring to the world.

Maybe we just all need to spend more time petting our cats, spending quality time with true friends, and building one truly amazing shit, as opposed to trying to reach more people, reach more customers, build more acquaintances or build more mediocre pieces of shit.

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