That is what the 3-year old me said to my Uncle, whose name is Steve(if you didn't gather that much from the title), as I handed him his Christmas present, which just so happened to be a shirt(another thing that you hopefully picked up).
Kids have a knack for such amazing honesty.
If they love you, they will tell you so.
If you're not being very nice, they will also tell you(could have also named this post, Mommy, you're not being very nice, which I may-or-may-not have been prone to saying when she didn't get me a toy that I just had to have).
Somewhere along the way, though, we lose that amazing quality.
We stop building quirky cards that say I love you in macaroni and glue. We gossip to others about someone not being very nice, instead of letting them know to their face. We get a little better about keeping christmas presents secret.
Start tapping into your inner kid... let people know when you love them and when you're not so fond of them. Maybe even ruin a surprise every now and then.
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