Wednesday, May 28, 2014

V for Vulnerable

If you want to set a new personal record in the squat, you risk getting stapled in the hole.

If you want to go on a date with the girl of your dreams, you risk getting rejected.

If you want to start a company, you risk falling flat on your face.

You are at your most vulnerable when you are in the hole, or asking a girl on a date, or fully committed to your getting your business up and running; that vulnerability is the precursor to success.

Squat high, stick to harmless flirting, and leave your business as a side project and you won't fall flat on your face... but you won't get what you want either.

Edit: This title is actually a play on the movie V for Vendetta, not the Seth Godin book V is for Vulnerable, which I have actually not read(or even knew existed) prior to writing this post.

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