Thursday, January 2, 2014

Majoring in the minor, a dumb idea

Majoring in the minor is a term coined by Jim Wendler, author of "5/3/1". He is drawing an analogy to a college student allocating their limited resources for their minor, as opposed to their major. Jim has his roots in powerlifting, so in that context he means that someone should not focus on things like biceps curls and calf raises while leaving the big money exercises, like squat, deadlift and bench, out to dry.

"I was watching <insert Dr. Phil/Dr. Oz/Oprah here> and they said if I take <some vitamin/antioxidant here> I will lose all my cellulite." I hear my mom say that frequently... and that is a prime example of majoring in the minor. You have to get to the gym consistently and getting your diet in check(future post on that) before the minutiae matters.

They same analogies can be drawn to building/doing cool shit... you have to figure out what the core is and work like crazy to get that going, then all of the other stuff can fall into place. Build the core functionality of an application, before polishing up the interface, and then can come the marketing.

Get you major, and then get you your minor.

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