Friday, January 3, 2014

Productive or just busy?

Somedays I just can't get anything done.

Needed to clear the air with that, but it's true. We all have days where we feel like we can't get anything done. I'm not talking about answering emails, running papers and water cooler talk. That's not getting shit done, that is just being busy.

We all have shitty, unproductive days, it's part of being human, but if I find myself making artificial work too often, it is typically because I just don't want it as much as I thought. If I could step in the mind of Steve Jobs and present his infamous Stanford graduation speech, here is how I would do it:
"I have looked in the mirror every night and asked myself: "Was I productive or just busy today?" And whenever the answer has been 'Just busy' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."

Title inspired by this awesome poster at StartupVitamins.

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