Saturday, April 12, 2014

Knowing Versus Doing, the Follow-up

You have been dieting and exercising for awhile, the weight has been coming off great, but it is slowly creeping to a crawl. So you cut calories and add in more cardio, kickstarting the weight loss again, but eventually the weight loss stalls again. So the cycle continues. Slowly the weight loss comes to a screeching halt, or even some weight gain happens, and you have no additional calories to remove.

Now what?

You have been working at a company for years, rapidly rising through the junior and mid level positions, through a combination of talent and tenacity, but have been stuck at staff level for an eternity.

Now what?

I have been in preparation for a bodybuilding competition since November 11th of last year, losing about 12 pounds in the first 10 weeks, but in the 12 weeks since then my weight loss has been negligible. Maybe it has even been a swap of muscle for fat. Judge for yourself: January 3rd and April 8th.

I finally reached a point where I couldn't cut any more calories or add anymore cardio, even though the scale still wasn't moving.

Now what?

We threw a monkey-wrench into the mix by adding calories and decreasing cardio.

Do we know it will work? No, but we knew what we were doing wasn't working.

We all know how to get from point A to point B, but doing more of that may not get us from point B to point C. In the beginning, what we do is driven by what we know. When we reach an advanced stage, what we know is driven by what we do.

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